Tuesday, January 12, 2010

10 for 2010!

To get this project kicked off with a bang, I've decided to take a challenge from a blog I follow (The Apple Cider Mill www.applecidermama.blogspot.com) and write ten resolutions for the new year.

Here goes nothing!

1) Say the rosary daily. I pray daily, but largely in a free-form style. I have always felt drawn to the rosary and I would like to discover it more deeply.

2) Blog weekly. I have had blogs before, and they've all fizzled out because I get caught up in day to day living. I am determined to do this!

3) Say goodbye to fast food. For a long time, I was a health food freak. Everything was strictly vegetarian and chosen for it's healthful properties. Eating was like a science to me. Over the past 18 months, things began to swing the other way. I didn't care very much about the nutritional value of the food that I fed my family. Now, my aim is to find a happy balance, and to start that off I'm ditching the fast food-even Subway!

4) Use my Wii Fit. My sister gave me a Wii Fit for Christmas in 2008. I was really excited about it, but I was pregnant at the time. Then, I wound up having an emergency C-section and a preemie. Needless to say, exercise & fitness fell by the wayside! I miss being active (I used to be a runner) and I want to feel the burn again!

5) Organize my home. We moved in at the beginning of September, and we are still not unpacked and we have two painting projects on our plate. I can't wait to get this place finished and looking like a home! Due to my husband being in the military, we are renting, but I want to get our house as homey as possible.

6) Develop a cleaning plan. I find that I fall behind in the cleaning/picking up on a regular basis, which is exacerbated by the fact that we aren't completely unpacked yet. If I know what I should be doing when, I think it will make my life much easier.

7) Organize a weekly play date for my little man. That will get us both out of the house and give us much needed socializing!

8) Keep in better contact with my family and friends. I admit it, I tend to be a little bit of a hermit. I'm definitely an introvert. The people I care about deserve better than that, though.

9) Try to be kinder to everyone. I don't think I'm a particularly mean person, but a little more kindness in the world is always a good thing.

10) Try a new recipe once a week. I have probably 3000 or so cookbooks (OK a little bit of exaggeration was used there) and I hardly touch them. I use the same old recipes week after week. It's time to shake it up a little bit!

1 comment:

  1. Cooking/trying out new recipes is also one of my resolutions... lets see how i do...
