Friday, January 22, 2010

March for Life

I wish I was downtown with my church youth group today, but with the weather being so bad I can't put my little guy through that. So, in lieu of actually going in person this morning, I signed up online at and my little avatar is marching on the virtual capital for me! It's a really neat site; you sign up with your name, address & email address and pick your avatar. Then, your avatar walks around the Google Earth version of Washington, DC. If you can't make it to the march in person today, head on over to the website!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I'll make you cranberry pancakes, pretend like it's the weekend now.

I love cranberries. They burst into tangy supernovas in your mouth. Dried, they are yummy additions to any salad. They are a superfruit and make a darn delicious juice. They even stain your lips red! I put them in stuffing, sweet pumpkin bread, cookies, scones, everything!

Cranberry Pancakes are a winter favorite at my house. At Thanksgiving, I buy as many bags of cranberries as I can and freeze them to last us the whole winter.I love cranberries and I love pancakes, so how can the combination not be pure awesome in edible form? Pancakes are an endlessly versatile food; we have them for breakfast, lunch or dinner depending on the day! I often make buttermilk pancakes, but I think that these pancakes work best with a basic recipe. I also up the sugar & vanilla in the recipe.

I'm going to do something shocking now. I'm actually going to admit my secret ingredient for just about everything. I use King Arthur White Whole Wheat Flour to make my baked goods (and pancakes!) a wee tiny bit healthier. It doesn't cancel out the calories in, say, a chocolate chunk oatmeal cookie, but at least there's fiber & protein!

Cait's Cranberry Pancakes (makes enough to eat and have some leftover to freeze)

Dry Ingredients:
3 cups King Arthur White Whole Wheat Flour
1/4 cup white sugar
3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt

Wet Ingredients:
3 cups milk (I use skim milk)
6 tbsp butter (about 3/4 of a stick), melted
4 large eggs
2 tbsp vanilla

2 cups cranberries (or more. I usually use more), chopped. You can also use whole cranberries, but I prefer them chopped.

In a large bowl, mix the dry ingredients. In another bowl, mix the wet ingredients, leaving the cranberries aside. Pour the wet ingredients over the flour mixture & stir them together until everything is just combined. Slowly fold in the cranberries.

Let the batter stand for 10-15 minutes.

Cook pancakes on a hot skillet.

To keep pancakes warm, put them on a cookie sheet in the oven (set to 250F).

Serve hot, with real maple syrup and butter or with honey.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Prayers for Haiti

Haiti has been struck by a devastating earthquake. I'd like to ask the patron saint of Haiti, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, for her intercession on behalf of the people in Haiti.

O Mother of Perpetual Help, grant that I may ever invoke thy most powerful name, which is the safeguard of the living and the salvation of the dying. O Purest Mary, O Sweetest Mary, let thy name henceforth be ever on my lips. Delay not, O Blessed Lady, to help me whenever I call on thee, for, in all my needs, in all my temptations I shall never cease to call on thee, ever repeating thy sacred name, Mary, Mary.

Sweet Mary, please pray especially for those in Haiti who need you the most, the living, the injured, the trapped and those who have died. 


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

10 for 2010!

To get this project kicked off with a bang, I've decided to take a challenge from a blog I follow (The Apple Cider Mill and write ten resolutions for the new year.

Here goes nothing!

1) Say the rosary daily. I pray daily, but largely in a free-form style. I have always felt drawn to the rosary and I would like to discover it more deeply.

2) Blog weekly. I have had blogs before, and they've all fizzled out because I get caught up in day to day living. I am determined to do this!

3) Say goodbye to fast food. For a long time, I was a health food freak. Everything was strictly vegetarian and chosen for it's healthful properties. Eating was like a science to me. Over the past 18 months, things began to swing the other way. I didn't care very much about the nutritional value of the food that I fed my family. Now, my aim is to find a happy balance, and to start that off I'm ditching the fast food-even Subway!

4) Use my Wii Fit. My sister gave me a Wii Fit for Christmas in 2008. I was really excited about it, but I was pregnant at the time. Then, I wound up having an emergency C-section and a preemie. Needless to say, exercise & fitness fell by the wayside! I miss being active (I used to be a runner) and I want to feel the burn again!

5) Organize my home. We moved in at the beginning of September, and we are still not unpacked and we have two painting projects on our plate. I can't wait to get this place finished and looking like a home! Due to my husband being in the military, we are renting, but I want to get our house as homey as possible.

6) Develop a cleaning plan. I find that I fall behind in the cleaning/picking up on a regular basis, which is exacerbated by the fact that we aren't completely unpacked yet. If I know what I should be doing when, I think it will make my life much easier.

7) Organize a weekly play date for my little man. That will get us both out of the house and give us much needed socializing!

8) Keep in better contact with my family and friends. I admit it, I tend to be a little bit of a hermit. I'm definitely an introvert. The people I care about deserve better than that, though.

9) Try to be kinder to everyone. I don't think I'm a particularly mean person, but a little more kindness in the world is always a good thing.

10) Try a new recipe once a week. I have probably 3000 or so cookbooks (OK a little bit of exaggeration was used there) and I hardly touch them. I use the same old recipes week after week. It's time to shake it up a little bit!